Wesley Chapel – Elmswell, Suffolk

Community Refurbishment Project 

Seamans Building, experts in community building refurbishments,  carried out a full refurbishment of The Old Wesley Chapel in Elmswell, near Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk.

Wesley Hall Community Hall and Chapel Refurbishment, Elmswell Suffolk

The existing community building was demolished – and in its place Seamans Building have created a completely new and modern community hub, including a kitchen, office space and multiple rooms for various uses, all for the residents of the village to enjoy.

Below you can see the Chapel’s community hall before it was demolished, and then after.

Chapel Refurbishment Bury St Edmunds

Wesley Chapel before

Refurbishment of Wesley Chapel ELmswell, Suffolk

Wesley Chapel after

The existing community build was demolished and in its place Seamans Building created a completely new and modern community hub, including kitchen, office space and multiple rooms for various uses, all for the residents of the village to enjoy.

The Old Victorian Chapel adjoining also had a makeover! Preserving its stunning stained-glass windows, installing beautiful new flooring and finishes & a fully integrated acoustic ceiling. All associated external works and landscaping were also carried out by Seamans.

About Seamans Building

Seamans Building, based in Bury St Edmunds, provide a wide range of community refurbishments projects in community halls, schools, libraries, hospitals and more..

Contact us to find out more or enquire about our refurbishment services.